Sunday, August 28, 2005

Vietnam vs Iraq, Do You Know What You're Talking About?

The Left loves to go on about how Iraq is "another Vietnam." Who writes these Liberal talking points? Oh what a crashing bore! The hippy dopeheads who make these charges, most of them, couldn't find either Vietnam or Iraq on the map. They carry on their apathy for their fellow human beings that they showed thirty years ago. The same "Peace" Movement that helped cram millions of Cambodians into mass graves, shows the same lack of concern for the Shi'ites who were packed into similar shallow graves. Not to mention the terrorist haven that Iraq was, with, not only 'al-Qaeda, but Islamic Jihad and Saddam's pensions for the families of suicide bombers. The people who lecture us about the less than 2000 Americans dead, as if we loyal Americans killed them, rather than the terrorists, have no problem supporting the people that kill millions!

How they loved to put up pictures of Mao, murderer of tens of millions, and Ho Chi Minh, who also murdered and displaced millions of people! I remember in 1989 when the pro-Republican demonstrations of Tiananmen Square were at their height, the old hippies of Berkeley snidely said something to the effect of "oh yes, they're just like us!" As if hippy dopeheads of Berkeley would make a fingernail clipping of the least of the Tiananmen martyrs!

But I digress. How does Iraq compare with Vietnam? Well, by two and a half years into US involvement in Vietnam, 15,000 Americans had died. At that time, Fall, 1967, the Viet-Cong was fielding battalions, Brigades, even three Division sized units. The Regular North Vietnamese Army was also starting to filter in, Division by Division. The pitched battle, future siege, of Khe Sanh was shaping up between elements of the 26th Marines and 9th Marines against North Vietnam's vaunted 325th Infantry Division. The border regions of Cambodia and Laos were packed with all types of Communist troops. Over a million men, well armed and well trained, filled the ranks of the Vietnamese Red Armies.

In Iraq, 1880 Americans have died between March of 2003 and August of 2005. Approximately 400 of these have died of accidents and other non-combat related deaths. Is this even a war? In most major battles armies typically lose way more than 1400 people. The Roman Republic lost approximately 60,000 men in the Battle of Cannae against Hannibal in 216 BC, more than our entire losses in the Vietnam Era. We lost more men dead in combat during the Tet Offensive than in our entire Iraq involvement. The terrorists in Iraq would have difficulty fielding a decent battalion, forget about a Brigade or Division. They do not engage us in major battles because we'd slaughter them, as we do when we find them and engage them. In Fallujah, they lost over a thousand and we lost fifty, God rest their souls. In subsequent battles, the ratio was even more favorable to the US. The terrorists are exactly that- just cowards skulking around leaving mines. There are approximately 20,000 of them in Iraq. What's more, most of Iraq is quiet, not even at war. The terrorists are making trouble in the Sunni Triangle, a fraction of Iraq's landmass. They occasionally leave a bomb in Mosul and Najaf, cities close to the Triangle.

What's more, the Liberal fools blame George Bush for the Americans dead, instead of the terrorists who killed them. It really urks me that they pretend to care about soldiers. In the Vietnam Era, our soldiers were lovingly greeted by hippies with a spit in the face and called "baby killer." Today, the traitors spew their ignorance outside Walter Reed Army Hospital. Oh!!! I fianlly found a similarity between the Vietnam and Iraq Wars! In both instances, the Left, motivated by its intense hatred of America and its cause has taken to helping a murderous enemy that is guilty of filling mass graves. In both cases they claim to act to help the soldiers but in reality spit on them and hate them. OK, now we're getting somewhere!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Today's Pharsalus- A Judicial Oligarchy

Speaking at Justice Sunday II on the August 14th Tom DeLay referred to Liberal Judicial Activists as a "Judicial Autocracy." the term I myself would have used is that Liberals on the court are a Judicial Oligarchy. That is, they are a corrupt, tyrannical group of individuals taking away people's freedoms. Autocracy invariably refers to one person. But, in a way, I suppose he has a point. The Autocrat was invariably absolutist, which is what the court has set itself up to be. Perhaps Absolutist Oligarchy may best describe it.

One of my favorite works of literature is Lucan's "de Bello Civilis" (of the Civil War) better known as the "Pharsalia." It is a romanticized description of Rome's Republican resistance to the juggernaut Caesar. The heroes are Pompey and Cato, battling to save their freedom from the outlaw Iulian who would be King. the big battle of the war is Pharsalus, capital of ancient Thessally on the Emathian Plain. Caesar was outnumbered 2 to 1. But his Army was hardened by eight years of tough campaign in Gaul. Imagine if it were possible to have a soldier who fought in the entirety of World War I and the entirety of World War II and was still only 29 or 30 years old. And then imagine eight legions of such troops marching on your Army. The Gallic War veterans cut the Republicans to ribbons.

The tattered remnants of the Republican Army fled to Africa and Spain. Cato led a heroic march of legionaries across the Sahara to the more hospitable clime of Rome's Proconsular Province. He hunkered down in the city of Utica and waited. Caesar launched his African and Spanish campaigns and brought down the remnants of freedom. Cato chose to die rather than kneel before Caesar and submit to him.

I read it when I was younger politcally than I am today. I knew that Caesar, as a good Jacobin tyrant, had mobilized disenchanted impoverished people, supposedly for their benefit, but in reality for his own power. I know that modern Liberal leadership in America is about the same business. I was willing to die on a battleifeld like Pharsalus for the Republican cause. The one thing I couldn't figure out is, where would the tyrant's legions come from? The Army and the rest of the military is Conservative for the most part. Thank God for that, our freedom would be very much over.

No. It is the judges, not our Army, which marches against us and is turning our Republic into a Dictatorship.

With Roe v Wade, they have violated our most sacred principles- LIFE, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. No one has the right to be denied life, liberty or property without due process. 50 million babies have died, and no end in sight.

In Kelo vs New Haven, the right to private property was stamped out in the name of Eminent Domain. Now a city can seize our lands and homes and whatever else if it profits them. Fortunately some states are limiting eminent domain.

In supporting the Unconstitutional FACE laws, the Judiciary has taken away the Freedom of Speech of Pro-Life protesters. Anyone who disagrees with murdering babies has the right to remain silent.

Freedom of Religion was silenced in the various rulings, beginning with Everman v Board of Education and Engel v Vitale, and continuing on right through the Court's silence on Judge Roy Moore's defense of our religious Liberties against the traitor judge Myron Thompson.

The only right they do seem willing to grant us was given in Lawrence v Texas- the right to be sodomized.

We needn't look North towards the Rubicon for the enemy of Liberty to cross and march against us. He is already upon us, in the city, sitting in the courts. Instead of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, we are entitled Sodomy, Murder and Misery. These people with feeble bodies and degenerated minds have overwhelmed America.

People, don't make the mistake of believing that the judiciary has taken a few wrong turns and can be corrected. Our judiciary is rotten to the core and unsalvagable. It needs to be torn down and rebuilt anew, with jurists who love our Constitution and actually bother to read it. We need people dedicated to American ways, not Eurosocialist ways, as Steven Breyer and Sandra Day o'Connor admit, although Stevens, Souter, Ginsberg and Kennedy do too. Judge Roberts promises to be an American and that would make 4 of 9. But it is not enough.

We have a lot of garbage to clean out if we want to save this Republic. Down with the Judicial Oligarchy!

Tidbit From "1776"

Currently I am reading "1776" by David McCullough. It is a sort of documentary book on the year that saw our country formed. It is written in much the same style as Colleen McCullough's "First Man in Rome" series, but it doesn't have the personal family dialogues of the famous people. It is excellently written.

The story begins during 1775, at the beginning of the Revolution, with Boston besieged by the Continental Army. I remarked upon one thing as I read it. Those loyal to King George II were crammed in the city, and they referred to the Revolutionary Army as "The Country Folk."

America in one way was the same in 1775 as today. Those who craved to be led by a European tyrants and emulate them lived in the major metropolitan areas, whereas the "Country Folk" craved something better, and were willing to fight for it. The Liberals in the Blue areas seek to follow the lead of France and Germany. "I'm not into America" as one of my Boston-area classmates put it back in High School.

Those of us in the outlying areas, now called "Flyover Country" are the true keepers of the Heritage of the Revolution. Our Liberal Urban cousins have forgotten it. Is America to be America, or a province of Europe?

Some things never change.

Also, this "deist" army held daily prayers and there is a record of a man being flogged for causing a public disturbance during them on one occasion.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yet ANOTHER Case of Democratic Hypocrisy

This is more of a testimonial than an article. It is a reminder to the American public, which has forgotten the events I shall describe, but it is very important to remember.

The 3rd Infantry Division was the spearhead of the US liberation of Iraq. The "Rock of the Marne" had been the 24th Infantry Division in Georgia, Ft Stewart and Ft Benning.

The 24th ID, later the 3rd ID, was the heavy firepower division of XVIII Airborne Corps, backing up the Airborne, Light Infantry and Marine Divisions made up mainly of grunts. In the Armor Heavy Middle East, the Rock of the Marne was always first team. We all watched in 2003 as the 3rd led the way into Iraq and the cameras rolled.

I served from 1996 until 1999 in the 3rd Brigade/3rd ID on Kelley Hill, Ft Benning. I was a dismount Infantryman in a Mechanized Rifle Platoon in Charlie Company 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry.

And in February of 1998 we got the call. Then President Clinton was on closed-circuit tv with Lt. Colonel Davis, 1/15's Commander. We had just come in from grueling maneuvers (I still remember them) in the field.

Clinton was ordering our battalion to Kuwait. In the 1990s, there was always at least one Armored or Mechanized Infantry Battalion in Kuwait. The other two battalions of the Armor or Mech Brigade would be ready at a moment's notice to come and join them. Our sister unit, Task Force 1/30th Infantry, was over in Kuwait. We and 2/69 Armor, the other battalion, were going to complete the brigade. Then the rest of 3rd ID was to follow.

You see, Saddam was flouting one of the many UN Resolutions against him, and Clinton was deeply concerned about Hussein's WMD program. Except from the extreme Left, there were none of the asinine ramblings about "no blood for oil." Nobody claiming Clinton lied.

Well, we loaded up our gear, our wall lockers were about to be sealed and we were going to go to the planes any day. Kofi Annan stepped in at that point. In retrospect, it was, no doubt, to protect his investments in the Oil for Palaces program. He said that Saddam would be given "one last chance" to make it right. Clinton, of course, gave in.

The point of this is, we came within weeks of launching the exact same invasion of Iraq in 1998 that we did in 2003. What stalled it? Kofi Annan's worthless word that it would be Saddam's last chance and that we'd all be behind an attack next time. Where were all the "Bush lied" types back then? Not a peep from them. Our strategy was the exact same then that it has been under Bush. The truth is, most Liberals are liars or don't have a clue what they are talking about. The former are the politcal leaders who'll say and do anything to undermine America and the latter are fools who are led around by the nose by the former.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bring Out Your Dead!

One of Rush Limbaugh's callers today had a pretty good insight that I thought I'd share and expound upon. He pointed out the similarity between the Left Wing Professional Activist Jackals ( et al) with the Liberal Media using the death of Cindy Sheehan's son for their politcal aims with the Paul Wellstone Memorial. For those of you don't remember that gem, the Minnestoa Senator's Funeral in 2002, after his tragic sudden death, was turned into a Democratic Party rally by the Unions and no one less the Wellstone's own son. The caller went on to point out how the Wellstone Memorial backfired in the Demos' faces and how he believed Cindy Sheehan's Mickey Mouse Circus would too.

The caller's insight was good, but I'd like to take it a step further. These incidents are nothing new really. The Democratic Party IS the party of death and exploits it rather well. I mean, think about it, one of the premier planks of their Party Platform is that murdering babies is ok, because the mother that bore them MIGHT also die. Great logic, eh? Use death to justify murder.

Last year a yellow journalist took pictures of steel coffins from Iraq being unloaded from a C-5 Galaxy. He had been forbidden from doing so but did it anyway. What better way for the Left to hurt Bush and the US War Effort by playing up dead soldiers in their coffins? I mean, who cares about the dignity of the soldiers and their families? Does the Left think they convince us that they care about the troops this way? These same Antiwar pukes or the last generation of them used to spit on GIs during the Vietnam Era. Their protests of caring about American soldiers dying rings hollow to those of us who know their history. The college professor Nicholas de Genova, who, at the outset of the Iraq War, wished America "a million Mogadishus" was honest at least. Many in the Left who distanced themselves from his swinish treason secretly think just as he does. Still, the Liberal Media and Leftist Agitprop gorillas maintain their grim deathwatch over US casualies. As if they really care.

Knowing well what power images of death have on people, images of 9-11 have been verboten by the PC Politburo in the Liberal Media. I know they are so happy to have put the days of people flying American flags and wearing American flag lapel pins behind them! They don't want to ever see a time where Americans were united against terrorism ever come again.

Even Ronald Reagan, who they hated like few others, they used his dying time from alzheimer's to push for their human experimentation, aka stem cell research. Oh yes, let's believe in science without God. There was another great scientist who didnt let things like God stop him from conducting experiments. His name was Dr Mengele.

Proverbs 8:36 says it best where God says "...all they that hate Me love death." It cannot be argued that most of the real hardcore Lefties hate God and His people. Their propoganda tactics and obsession with calling murdering babies a right, not to mention their ghoulish insistence that Terri Schiavo die, do indicate that these people are in the throes of a passionate love affair with death. God did not lie in His Holy Scripture!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Liberals are Fools

I'm sorry, there is just no other way to say it.

Actually I thought of a few words more pungent than "fool" that are every bit as apt. But I am trying to live as Christ would have me live.

I am watching Cindy Sheehan and the Liberal Activists/Media and I am wondering who is who's fool. And I realize that the answer is "both."

"Iraq is an unjust war," the Liberal Sheeple bleat. What's unjust about it? We are in the trenches, the heartland of the enemy that bombed us on 9-11. Is anyone stupid enough to believe that pulling our troops home from Iraq and letting the terrorists have it will make us safe and stop death? Only someone with a room temperature IQ or a Liberal.

As we learned in the first Gulf War, the terrorists watch CNN. Right now the terrorists are watching the fool Cindy Sheehan. I am very sorry for her son's death. The man was a real hero. She is not. Some will say I am being insensitive to the fool because, after all, she lost her son. I do sympathize with that, but my sympathy evaporates when I see her giving aid and comfort to terrorists who want to kill more sons of mothers like her. You see, George Bush did not kill Casey Sheehan. Terrorists killed Casey Sheehan, as well as fools like her and the creeps that are exploiting her folly. And anyone who cannot see that as plain as the nose on their face needs to get their head out of a certain nameless place.

Terrorism is real. And Saddam was up to his neck in it, make no mistake about it. He was an ally of 'al-Qaeda, tho not a close one. Islamic Jihad, a terrorist organization every bit as evil, murderous and inimical to America, had free run of Iraq under Saddam. Iraqi Intelligence and Islamic Jihad worked together as a part of the 1993 WTC attack. If we allow, for the sake of argument, the lame Liberal talking point of "Saddam had nothing to do with 'al-Qaeda/9-11" is having something to do with the '93 attack, pensioning families of suicide bombers, a presidential assassination plot (on Bush 41) and sponsoring Islamic Jihad make everything peachy? Only Liberals are foolish enough to believe so.

We removed a murderous genocidal dictator. We are routing out terrorists who want to kill Americans. They are getting their martyrdom in some squalid back alley in Fallujah and Ramadi rather than by flying planes into our buildings. How much more just can you get?

America needs to wake up. On 9-11 we did. However, the Liberal Media and Liberal Activist Groups backed up by Limosine Liberal billionaires began singing us to sleep again. And many of us have dozed off again.

I am sorry for Casey Sheehan's death. He was a true hero. But if he was a true soldier of honor, he would be 100% opposed to his mother giving aid and comfort to the terrorists. Because you can bet they are watching CNN tonight. And they are watching Cindy Sheehan and the fools. And they are snickering and thinking that a few more bombs will make us leave. And then some other mom will be crying at her son's death.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Free Delmarva!!!!!

I have a call for a little rearranging of state lines in our Mid-Atlantic Region. When we look at a map of the Blue States, we see Maryland and Delaware and just think unsalvageable. However, a closer look at the counties of the Delmarva Peninsula is called for.

The Delmarva Peninsula is the spit of land jutting down from Pennsylvania on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay. It gets its name as Delaware, Maryland and Virginia all have counties on this Peninsula, hence Delmarva.

The proper boundary for the Delmarva Peninsula is the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal, which cuts across its neck, technically making it an island.

On the entire peninsula/island there is only one Blue County, ironically one of the two Virginia counties, Northampton County, the Southernmost edge, which John Kerry won by 106 votes out of more than 5000 cast. The rest is pure Bush Country.

The problem for Delmarva is that it is bent to the will of majorities which are not part of their organic territory. In the case of Delaware, it is a Conservative Southern Red State, except for Wilmington. This big city is, in reality, a suburb of ultra-Liberal Philadelphia. It is well north of the canal and not part of Delmarva. Likewise Maryland Delmarva is pulled away from its will by a few areas not contiguous with it. The Baltimore area, plus Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties, the suburbs of DC make the otherwise Red State of Maryland Blue.

Delmarva really needs to be its own state. Let Maryland have Wilmington and the peninsula/island have its own free way, unfettered by outsiders.

The boundaries set for this area are very old and reflective a reality no longer in existence. Delaware was founded by Dutch and Swedes, as the Dutch were, in their brief period, a hegemon of the globe, and the Swedes in that 17th century period were also questing for hegemonic power. Eventually the Dutch won out, but then the English won out over the Dutch. They did so in 1682, because the new colony of Pennsylvania would have been landlocked without Delaware in English hands.

Maryland was granted by Charles I to Lord Baltimore in 1632 as a haven for Catholics in the New World.

Dutch and Swedish Glory have long faded. Nor is there any need for a special haven for Catholics. We can redraw the boundaries without hurting anybody's feelings. Let Wilmington join with Baltimore and Prince Georges County.

I know this will not happen. The Liberals of Wilmington and Baltimore won't allow it. But it would be something worth doing. People like Joe Biden and John Kerry wouldn't get elected dogcatcher there.

Oh yeah.

Free Delmarva now!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Judah-Israel/Red States-Blue States

I have been reading the books of I Kings and II Kings, as well as II Chronicles. In them are many lessons applicable to us today. First, we have to look at the Kingdom of Israel at its height. They had a small empire spanning from the frontier of Egypt to the Banks of the Euphrates. For a small nation like Israel, this was a big empire. Before the Kings of Saul, David and Solomon, Israel had been ruled by the judges, who were guided by the Spirit of God in their governance. This was a great blessing and honor for the Israelites. But it wasn't enough for them. They wanted to have a king, like the surrounding pagan nations. God warned the people that a king would levy heavy taxes on them and draft their sons for war and corvee. They didn't care. God told his prophet Samuel that the Israelites were rejecting Him, and they'd have to live with the consequences of that.

God didn't lie. Saul conscripted many young men into the Army and fought many wars, some of them losing. David set aside many resources for the Temple of God, and did many public building projects, including building up Jerusalem, his city. Solomon undertook the costly building and ornamenting of the Temple. The people strained under the yoke of so much work. The empire was patrolled by conscripted young men, whose mothers and fathers missed them.

Solomon was foolish, yes, the wise king did a fool thing. He allowed some of his young pagan concubines to coax him into offering sacrifice unto their idols. God was going to end the empire in punishment. God had promised peace to Solomon early in his reign, so the Kingdom would not end in his life. What's more, God has promised to keep a lampstand for his servant David in Jerusalem. This would be the Kingdom of Judah, David's tribe, with its capital, Jerusalem. David's descendents would also rule the tribe of Simeon and Benjamin.

In time, Judah would become like the Red States- their Kings would serve God, most of the time. Israel, like the Blue States, turned their back on God and all that had made them great. As the Blue States seek to emulate secular Europe and Asia, they have turned their backs on the Protestant Christian heritage of America.

The break between Judah and Israel, was oddly, Judah's fault. Solomon's son, Rehoboam, was about to take the throne of all Israel. A delegation from the Northern tribes begged him to ease taxes and conscription. Rehoboam replied that his thumb would be thicker than his father's thigh, and if his father had chastised them with whips, he would do so with scorpions. Israel, under the leadership of a man named Jereboam, seceded from Judah. The Bible shows the pitfalls of Big Government!

Jereboam had been given the tribes of Israel by God. But when he became King, he instituted paganism, Baal worship, in Israel. Nearly every King of Israel in the Book of Kings committed the "sin of Jereboam." Our Blue States are also engaging in the Sin of Jereboam. Liberals have deified themselves. They practice abortion, like the practice of sacrificing babies to Baal. As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes-"there is nothing new under the Sun." They embrace the Big Government that Rehoboam favored.

Among my favorite stories are Elijah standing up to Ahab and Jezebel, and the story of their daughter Athaliah.

Ahab was an evil king, and he married a Canaanite princess, Jezebel, who pushed hard for the Worship of Baal in Israel. She put to death God's remaining prophets, and persecuted God's people with all the furor of the ACLU. Elijah showed the power of God and not long after Jezebel was killed by Jehu, the new King of Israel that God raised up. Athaliah, Jezebel and Ahab's daughter, was married to the King of Judah in those days, but he had passed on. Upon hearing of her parent's death, Athaliah determined to exterminate the Line of David. However, the priests of the Lord protected Joash, a young baby, who was hidden away. They brought him out at the age of seven and the captains of the army all hailed him. Athaliah was killed. I wish they'd make a movie about this (II Kings 11).

After much evil, God determined to blot out Israel. The Assyrians came and dragged off the Northern Tribes into captivity. Most of these tribes are now known as the "Lost Tribes."

Eventually, the tribes within the Kingdom of Judah were committing sins every bit as bad. In the days of Jeremiah and Ezekiel God raised up Nebuchadnezzar and took them off into captivity as well. But Jeremiah predicted that Solomon's temple would be rebuilt and the Jewish Faith would come to its fulfillment and meet its Savior in the time after their return.

Maybe it is not a bad idea for the Blue States and Red States to separate. I'd rather live in a smaller America that was a real America, rather than a united one that was a farce. The majority of people in New York, Boston and San Francisco are opposed to God's Will and to the true spirit of the US Constitution. Can that ever change? I am skeptical. Those people aren't even Americans any more. They seek to emulate European Socialism. Yes, the everyday Joe Democrat is a loyal American, but he or she is led astray by those who are not. The Blue States desire to be more like France, Canada or Sweden. "I am not into America," one of my highschool classmates in Boston once said. They're not.

The Red states are rising, vibrant, strong. The economies are growing by leaps and bounds. Spiritually we could be doing much better, but we have a strong foundation, and with a restoration of full religious freedom from the tyranny of Liberal jurists would have us doing better still. The Blue States are decaying, in population, economically (due to socialism and its high taxation wreaking its typical wrack and ruin) and, worst of all, spiritually. We don't want this decay to spread here. We need to free ourselves from unelected tyrannical bureaucrats and lawyers like the ACLU. We dont want the entirety of America to Fall under the Sin of Jereboam.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dobson Didn't Lie!

It seems that the Reverend James Dobson has been under fire for making the statement that Stem cell research is comparable to Nazi tactics.

You know, there was once a scientist who believed in science first. He didn't concern himself with strictures of anything like religion. Science was his guide and he would not let something as primitive as relation to God stand in his way. He discovered many things about the endurance of human beings. His name was Dr. Mengele.

Sound preposterous? It should not. The Left advocates experimenting on human beings in advocating stem cell research, not to put too fine a point on it. This is not like some debate over what the tax rate should be or the speed limit. We are talking about an issue that will determine what kind of soul our nation has. And if our nation has a decayed and corrupt soul, it will not stand.

Dr Dobson was just doing his job- looking out for peoples' souls. Nazi Germany was secular regime that believed in science without God. Liberalism has a lot in common with it.

Conservatives should defend Dr Dobson and not allow Liberals to smear him as an "extremist." He is a good man and we must stand with him in his hour of need. If Liberalism can be allowed to persecute a man for telling the truth, then we are in grave trouble indeed.