Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let Freedom Ring!

A step in the right direction today- the Supreme Court finally ruled what anyone literate who has bothered to read the Constitution knows- that the laughable lawsuit by NOW against the freedom of speech of abortion protesters is Unconstitutional. Naturally, this case should have been laughed out of court two seconds after the NOW harpies filed it, not two decades later. Nonetheless, we can take satisfaction that the just side has triumphed. And we didn't even need Samuel Alito's vote.

I think to my friend, Troy Newman, today, a leader of Operation Rescue who I met when I stood with Judge Roy Moore in Montgomery in August, 2003. He is one of the most decent people I have ever met. When I first arrived in Montgomery on August 20, 2003, I was admittedly angry with the Left trying to tyrannize the people of Alabama out of the freedom of religion and freedom of expression with their frivolous lawsuits against Judge Moore. I was salty and a part of me wanted to fight. Troy saw this in my eyes and told me in no uncertain terms that the Montgomery protest was to be a totally peaceful one. I nodded and said I would abide by that (and I did). I told him that if a cop came to arrest me, I wouldnt resist, I'd just lie down and it would take several cops to haul me away (I am 6'4" and weigh close to 300 lbs). He shook his head and said no, he didn't want a policeman to hurt his back trying to haul me away.

I relate this episode in order to show the real Troy Newman and how ridiculous the lawsuit against Operation Rescue is. Comparing his gentle words to the screeching of the NOW harpies, one has to wonder which is the association of violent extremists (yes, I know a some members of NOW also, including the head of Florida NOW, who ran for Lt Governor on a third party ticket here back in 2002). The answer to that question is obvious. Many Feminists, many of them from NOW, have screeched that if it became illegal to murder babies again in this country, that they'd fight and burn things. Any judge who would give ANY credence to them or similar organizations is not fit to judge a pie-eating contest, much less America and its laws.

Murdering babies through abortion may still be legal, but at least the freedom to say that murdering babies through abortion is wrong isn't. The thin veneer of the Feminist case- that the anti-abortion protesters were engaging in violence, is fraught with hypocrisy. If Operation Rescue deserves to be shut down for its "violence" then what about some of the actions of the Left Wingers?

Let's say an abortion clinic was being burned to the ground by anti-abortion protesters. The same protesters attacked firemen trying to put the fire out, and cut their firehoses. The local National Guard arrives on the scene and orders them to disperse. They refuse, the melee continues and people are still in danger, and the fire is still burning out of control. After giving them several chances to disperse peacefully and allow the firemen to put out the fire and prevent it from spreading, the Guardsmen finally open fire and kill four of the protesters. Justifiable, right? I could hear Kim Gandy now, screeching at the Guardsmen for killing only four.

Well, this really did happen. Except that it wasn't an abortion clinic, it was an ROTC building at Kent State University in 1970 and the protesters were stinky hippies leading their crusade for Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot. Needless to say, the story commonly told is that the four were "victims", more "heroes" of the Pantheon of the Left Wing's Cult of its Own Victimhood. Left Wing protesters have led all sorts of protests that were violent. Environmentalists like to put spikes in trees that lumberjacks will cut with buzzsaws, so the chain will snap, fly back in the face of the lumberjack and either kill or horribly disfigure him. They also like to plant bombs and start fires (how environmentally friendly!). Antiwar "peace" protesters have laid pipe bombs, like the one that was put in the US Capitol in the wake of the Grenada invasion in 1983 or the one that was going to be placed in a dancehall where US soldiers were going to congregate in Ft Dix in 1970 (the bomber, from the SDS, was, as the saying goes, "hoisted by his own petard" and blown to smithereens while building the bomb). Feminists frequently threaten violence and often attempt to carry it out. All of these and other Liberal groups are much worse than even the worst of Operation Rescue's people. Yet it was Operation Rescue that had its freedom of speech taken away by NOW's ridiculous lawsuit.

Be advised, NOW, there is a crack in America's Berlin Wall. And you won't be able to keep it up! Murdering babies WILL be illegal in America again.

Oscar Hypocrisy

It is important for Conservatives everywhere, as well as "Moderates" and Liberals who aren't completely blind, to remark upon the hypocrisy of the Academy Awards, not one year later, a glaring inconsistency.

The real Best Picture of 2004, "the Passion of the Christ" was passed over for the distinction that any honest person would admit it deserved, in favor of "Million Dollar Baby," a low-budget nothing about a female boxer (ugh!). The Academy gave as their reason that they don't touch controversial films. Oh really?

Naturally, the buzz is that "Brokeback Mountain," a Gay-Lobby propagandistic piece of trash, is going to get the Best Picture nomination. Now, I suppose if you are a man living in San Francisco who wears a dress to work every day, this film may not seem controversial in the least. Same for some coffe-house Marxist from Boston. However, out here in the real America, where men still wear pants and we like our military, it IS controversial in the extreme. As a matter of fact, Brokeback would surely have been a great flop if not for the controversy which emptied all the Starbucks' in the Northeast and the West Coast to have their minds filled with more propaganda from the Left.

"Passion" has grossed more than five times what "Brokeback" did. It was the tenth biggest draw of all time. What's more, I'd say that more people saw it than any of the other nine that topped it. It's just that because of the brutality of what Our Lord suffered portrayed so graphically, it wasn't the kind of movie that one went to see ten times like all the girls did with "Titanic" or the kids with "Star Wars."

Further dishonorable mention of other clearly Controversial films are George Clooney's nomination as Best Actor and Best Director in his two propaganda pieces "Syriana" and "Good Night and Good Luck." "Good Night and Good Riddance" would be a better title to the flop that celebrated the Left's Cult of its own Martyrdom. The Venona Files have come out and we are re-examining the McCarthy Era, acknowledging that, indeed, there were many Communists in this country trying to overthrow it, many of them had been in high places in FDR's cabinet. Most of the people McCarthy investigated were indeed, actively engaged in overthrowing the US government for a Communist Dictatorship. Out of Clooney's own mouth came the admission that we needed a "recalibration" in our thinking (what he really meant was re-brainwashing) about that era back to the Left Wing orthodoxy of innocent Leftists martyred because we wouldn't surrender our freedoms to them and let them make us a satrapy of a Red World. "Syriana" is even more nauseating in its not realistic portrayal of a world run by oil companies (as if it were oil companies that took away people's freedoms and not corrupt bureaucrats and legalists). Clooney did a double-trashing of his own country in 2005 and the Academy wants to give him a double reward for it. I can picture Alfred E. Neumann as the head of the Motion Picture Academy, smiling his grin and saying, "what? Me controversial?"

No, the reason for the Academy's glaring hypocrisy in this matter is plain for all who have eyes to see. A movie can be chosen or rejected by their Imperial Majesties of the Academy by being Politically Correct or being Politically Incorrect. And if they are going to do that, well then who really cares what they think? Why should any of their "expertise" in judging a film on the merits of its filmography mean squat?

The Motion Picture Academy has, once again, showed that it rejects utterly everything about the America that exists between fifteen miles East of the Pacific Coast and the Susquehanna River. We should respond by rejecting their "authority" on motion pictures. We should treat an Oscar for a film as a blemish on its name, not an honor, because, obviously, they are given not for any quality other than the purity of their Political Correctness, pleasing only a Bi-Coastal Elite. We should reject the Oscars utterly and have our own Flyover Country Awards. Maybe we can make the Oscars go away for good if we ignore them.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Endorse Moore

Back in October, I wrote a piece entitled "Return of a Hero" (on the GOP Insight Blog) about the new candidacy for Governorship of the State of Alabama by Judge Roy Moore. Judge Moore is a champion of religious freedom against the Unelected Communazi Religion Gestapo of the ACLU/Southern Bolshevik Law Center.

I along with thousands of others, stood with him in August and September of 2003, when he fought for the freedom of religion of America with the Ten Commandments Monument against an unlawful and tyrannical Federal Court Order to remove it. I was also there on the day of his Kangaroo Court, November 14, 2003 (the 65th anniversary of Kristallnacht) and I was there for his appeal in February, 2004.

I learned a lot in Montgomery that hot summer. I went from being a nominal Christian to being truly saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. That was the most important thing. Another important truth I learned is how utterly corrupt and in the pocket of Global Socialism our Federal Judiciary is. After my lessons in Alabama, I didn't NEED for Steven Breyer to admit that he ruled based on International Socialist court rulings from Eurasia, I already plainly knew that.

The Liberal Media and groups like the SPLC slandered Judge Roy Moore and compared him to George Wallace, the Segregationist Governor of Alabama from the 1960s. They said there were no black people there standing with him. But in fact there were hundreds of them among the thousands on the courthouse steps. The lovely matronly lady who ended up taking charge of feeding all of us was black. I spent my second night in on the steps in Montgomery talking with a former football playing Pastor who reminded me of Shaquille O'Neal. There were also several Orthodox Jews and their rabbis. In the great Atheist "counter-demonstration" across the street, there was not a single black person. All eight of them were lily-white. The Southern Poverty Law Center's propaganda website portrayed the Ten Commandments rally as a gathering of Neo-Nazis. That is neither the first, nor the last, deliberate lie they've told.

Judge Moore never got mad at his hateful, slandering accusers. He was ever soft spoken, kind and polite. His knowledge of Alabama and American Law is impeccable. He and Alan Keyes (who I met and got to know a bit while he was there) educated me about how the only violators of the Establishment Clause are the Communazi Religion Gestapo. "Congress Shall Make no Law RESPECTING an Establishment of Religion." The 'respecting' in there means that no level of the Federal Government, INCLUDING THE JUDICIARY, can even rule on questions dealing with religious matters at the state and local level. They cannot even adjudicate it lawfully. But our Eurosocialist Federal Judiciary cares nothing for the law, only the propagation of its own agenda.

He is a decorated Vietnam War veteran. In this he proves the hypocrisy of Leftists who said we couldn't say anything against John Kerry because of his "heroism" (how somebody who's side in the Vietnam War was North Vietnam could be a hero to anyone but the Communists is beyond me). But they never hesitated to smear this decorated veteran.

What we need to do in this country is realize that the Left is trying to impose Socialist Doctrines on us that aren't in Our Constitution. We need bold people to stand up to them and say "no!" Judge Roy Moore is that kind of genuine real Conservative. He does the right thing, regardless of whether he will be persecuted by those who love tyranny. The current Republican Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, sadly has not measured up to these stadnards, or anything close. I remember my happiness in November of 2002 in hearing that he beat out Don Siegelmann. But my happiness did not outlast the next summer when he was very conspicuously absent in helping Alabamians defend their freedoms.

I call on all Conservatives in the blogosphere, on Free Republic and anywhere around the country, to give their support to Judge Roy Moore in the Republican Primary for the Governorship of Alabama and for the General Election to the same come November. Someone in Montgomery in the Summer of 2003 said, "when God raises up a champion for His people, it falls to His people to get behind them." Well Americans, the time is now.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Modern Medizers

I've always believed that the War on Terror is not a new thing. As it says in the Book of Ecclesiastes, "there is nothing new under the Sun." It is, in reality, a continuation of the struggle that began in Marathon in 492BC and Thermopylai in 480BC, between the Greeks and Persians. On one side you had the Greeks, free men fighting for democracy and on the other, Persia, the side of slavery and tyranny. This fight continued on through the battles of Rome versus Carthage, the Crusades, America's struggle versus Hirohito and Hitler, down to our latest against Osama and Saddam.

We've come a long way since Greece and Rome, but we fight for the same principles that they did, for home and for freedom from Oriental slavery. The enemy has changed little. If anything he has changed for the worse. Darius and Xerxes, the Kings of Persia in the 5th Century BC, at least had some notions of chivalry and would more than likely recoil at Saddam's mass graves.

King Darius of Persia made the first attempt to conquer Greece. He sent ambassadors to Athens and Sparta demanding earth and water from them, tokens of submission. The Spartans were so incensed at the idea that they threw the ambassadors down a well and told them to get their earth and water there. Sparta repented of abusing Persia's messengers, but the notion of giving up their freedom so angered them. They sent two young men of two of Sparta's finest families to present themselves to Darius at his court and permit him to torture and murder them however he wished in retribution. To his credit, Darius sent them home unharmed.

Darius launched an amphibious assault against the Greeks at Marathon, where the Athenians defeated them. A messenger ran the 26.2 miles back to Athens, where he fell over and died after reporting the great victory. We run the "Marathon" in his honor to this day.

Darius' successor Xerxes took up the campaign against Greece less than a generation later. In 480 BC, twelve years after Marathon, he crossed over into Europe with a force belived to number a million or more. As they did previously, both Athens and Sparta refused to prostrate themselves before the King of Asia. But many Greek states did. Among them the Thebans and Macedonians, they "Medized." Like the Medes they sent earth and water in submission to the Great King and submitted wholly to his will. They became like the dhimmis who submitted to Muslim Sultans and Caliphs over a millenium later.

The Spartans and others stood bravely at Thermopylai, but were killed. But on land and at sea, the Greeks would defeat Persia at Plataia and Salamis and freedom would be preserved in the Greek homeland. The punishment and shame were harsh for those who had Medized.

And there is nothing new under the Sun, as stated earlier in this post. Liberals in France, Belgium and America's Blue States desire to Medize and become dhimmis. Osama's offer to those states that voted for Kerry to have peace was an offer to Medize, to compromise. In exchange for surrendering their God given freedoms and right to defend them, Osama would allow them to prostrate themselves to him and live as slaves. And millions of Americans fall for it.

In my previous post, I talked about how in the Book of Samuel, the Israelites, who were free men, clamored for a King like the Canaanites and Philistines. It is a sad truth about humanity that man most of the time desires comfortable slavery rather than the hard fight of standing for freedom. The success of Liberalism in America, the ideology that says we should be slaves of the government, rather than free men and women of God, is proof that that is the case, even here. Moments like 1776 and 1789 are rare in human history. Liberty has fleeting moments set against centuries of slavery and tyranny. Medizing.

It isn't easy to be a free man or free woman. You have to think for yourself and you have to be responsible for you choices. And to remain truly free, you have to be moral. Liberalism, Medizing, Dhimmitude are much easier. You can put your brain in neutral and gratify your stomach and genitalia. When you are not bowing down to your master, that is.

As Locke says, in a nutshell, God makes men free, other men make slaves of each other. God wants us to have freedom. Unelected self-aggrandizing Leftist bureacrats and jurists want to take that freedom from us. They want us to Medize. The Left wanted us to Medize to the USSR during the Cold War. Their ancestors, urban dwellers of the Northeast during the Revolutionary War, wanted to Medize to King George III. Today they want us to Medize to the terrorists. This must never be allowed to happen. The Left must not be allowed to win.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Where I disagree with the President

President Bush spoke at a Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning. He had some good things to say and I didn't catch them all. But one thing he said that I have to differ with him on is his statement about Atheists. He said that people who choose no Faith at all are just as American as those of Faith. I cannot agree.

Now, don't get me wrong, an Atheist can be a patriotic American, although all too many are nothing of the kind. An Atheist can have the best of intentions for America in his heart. But then again, I am sure that another Atheist, Pol Pot, had the best of intentions for Cambodia in his heart when he first became a Communist.

An Atheist American, while quite possibly a very loyal one, lacks the capacity to fully appreciate America and its origins. Part of America's bedrock principles are those of John Locke. For the uninitiated, John Locke was a hard core Calvinist who was a part of the Glorious Revolution in England in 1688. This revolution had Calvinism as its driving force. Locke and his fellow revolutionaries would be called Right Wing religious extremists by the modern Secular Left.

In his treatises on government, Locke destroyed arguments for the Divine Right of Kings. He used nothing but Scripture as his source. If one could put his beliefs into a nutshell they would be "God makes men free, other men make men slaves."

This is reflected in our Declaration of Independence when it talks about how we are endowed certain rights by our Creator. From the very beginning, America acknowledges that our freedoms are Gifts bestowed on us from God. They are not priviliges begrudgingly allowed by Left Wing bureaucrats or jurists. The self-appointed, unelected Soviet Kommissars of the ACLU tried to ban Steve Williams from teaching about the Declaration of Independence in Cupertino, California in 2004. This is my point. An Atheist who wants to tell a teacher he can't teach the Declaration of Independence because it mentions God is no American, does not have the foggiest idea of what America is about.

When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, he set them up under a group of judges, led by the Holy Spirit, who ruled with a light hand. The people were free, had free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to live life in whatever lawful manner they chose. But in the days of Samuel, the Israelites clamored for a King. They saw how the Canaanites and the Philistines had Kings and wanted one too. God warned them that the king would draft their sons into the Army, would levy heavy taxes and corvee upon them and demand unquestioned obedience. The people didn't care. They rejected the God-given freedom for the stylish ways of pagan peoples. After three kings, Saul, David and then Solomon, the people had had enough. They demanded that the new King, Rehoboam, lighten their burdens. But he responded that his thumb would be thicker than his father's(Solomon's) thigh and that where his father had chastised them with whips, he would chastise them with scorpions.

And so it is with our Secularist Left today. They reject the God given freedoms of our US Constitution. They look longingly and lovingly on Socialist Dictatorships and Oligarchies in Eurasia and Africa, and that is their heart's desire. Not to be free, but to be slaves of someone who hates freedom.

The Founding Fathers knew that God was the real author of our freedom. They did not lead the French Revolution, which was secular and created a tyranny that made the Bourbon Kingship look like a rosy paradise by comparison. They feared the rise of a big bureaucracy and people who put their Party Line over God's Will.

In the Preamble to the Constitution, it says that its purpose is to "Secure the BLESSINGS of Liberty." In 1789, the term "Blessing" meant one thing only- a Gift from God. It did not have the more generic meaning it does today. They left referrences to the Almighty rather vague, so as not favor one denomination over another, but that did not mean America was ever godless. Article III of the Northwest Ordinance, written in the same month as the Constitution and enforced under the same, said "Religion and Morality would be forever encouraged." So much for "separation of Church and State" a phrase from the Soviet Constitution, nowhere to be found in the American.

No, the Athiest cannot appreciate these elementary basics of the US Constitution. And Atheist Activists twist America's Constitution into downright Marxism, the exact opposite of what it was intended to be. To be Atheist prevents someone from fully appreciating America and what it is to be American. I disagree with the president.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Conservatism Is On the March!

Look out Liberals! Here we come!

In the Liberal Media they love to endlessly assert that Conservatism is cracking up and that the days of Liberal Democrats are about to return. Myself, I don't think so. You see, not only is there no Leftist groundswell anywhere between the Susquehanna River and twenty miles inland from the Pacific Coast (and the Dems would need to gain a lot of ground SOMEWHERE in Flyover Country to become a majority again) but it seems Liberalism is in decline all across North America and Western Europe, even in some places thought to be bastions of Leftism.

I must admit my utter shock and awe at Canada electing a Conservative Government last month. Has Glasnost finally come to Soviet Canuckistan? It remains to be seen, but it looks promising. It seems the Canadian electorate has just about had it with the corruption and tyrannical political correctness that had been governing them since the Liberal takeover a little more than a decade hence. Ever the whiny little punk, Michael Moore was reduced to abject sadness by the results of this one.

A short time prior to Canada's electoral stunner, came the German elections. Running as a Conservative who supports America and wanted to repair relations damaged by Shroeder's Socialist Solidarity for Saddam, Angela Merkl was elected German Chancellor. Berlin, along with Paris, had been one of the two nodes of the Anti-Iraq War Movement. No longer. Merkl and Bush had a lovely, friendly meeting last month. So much for the "irreparable" damage the Iraq War did to German-American relations!

In the Summer of 2004, Greek Conservatives were swept into power in Athens promising to get the Olympic facilities running as they should be. the previous Socialist government had really been dropping the ball and Greece was not prepared to host the games. Our Conservative friends, who support the War in Iraq and our War on Terror, also delivered on their promise and gave the world some pretty awesome Olympic Games!

Poland and Portugal also elected strong pro-American, Pro-Iraq War Conservative Governments in 2005.

The Labor Party still holds a severely eroded majority in the UK, but under the leadership of one of the architects of the Iraq War, Tony Blair. Blair runs with many Conservative ideas and positions. It is entirely warranted to state that if the Laborites had run with a "Socialism as Usual" candidate, rather than Blair, they'd have been thrown right out on their ear.

It took a terrorist bombing designed to influence elections against Conservatives to create the only bright spot out there for the Left. I'm sure Leftists everywhere are thanking Osama bin Laden for the Madrid Train bombings which put the Socialist Zapatera in power by the slimmest of margins.

And let us not neglect to mention what might be the most important elections of our time- the Iraqi elections. If the Socialist Left had had its way, these would never have taken place. Yes friends, Conservatism is on the march. And consequently, Liberty is on the march. Socialism and terrorism are in retreat.

The 2004 elections not only re-elected an awesome president here in America. They pushed Republican majorities in Congress beyond the high-water marks of the Contract With America elections of 1994. The possibility of Republicans gaining yet more ground in November is hardly impossible. Sure, it's just as likely that the Dems will gain a little ground, but the fact that the GOP could make yet more gains in Congress is something to get ecstatic about. As previously noted, there is no Democratic groundswell anywhere to put them in the majority. If they make minute gains this Fall, well, that is only par for the course for the Party out of Power.

Don't let the moonbats out there get you down people. They are losing, big time. It seems the Western World might just be heeding the wake-up call to the threats it faces. This, of course, is bad news for the Neo-Marxist Socialists on the Left. They are invested in our defeat and degradation.