Saturday, July 23, 2005

O Hesperia!

One of my favorite stories from literature is the Aeneid. I am a lover of Roman history and have studied it much in my youth. The story begins in the ashes of Troy, after the Greek heroes of the Illiad had sacked it and destroyed it. A young prince, Aenaeas, of the Line of Dardanus, the royal line of Troy, predicted to survive and thrive, led the survivors on a quest. The quest was for the fabled land of Hesperia ("Land of the West").

Aenaeas led his Trojans across the sea, to many places, including Crete and Carthage, even to the Illyrian coast, where a miniature Troy was built. But the wanderers kept their eyes on the prize. They found their Hesperia- Italy, and Aenaeas' descendent Romulus founded his city-Rome and the Line of Dardanus lived on and thrived, and came to master the known world.

I think the Aeneid resonated deeply in me because I could identify with it on many levels. My grandparents' Lithuanian homeland, overrun by the Soviets, was burnt Troy, and our beloved new homeland, America, was Hesperia, the Golden Western land. My father came to America at the age of eight and loved this country deeply. He served it until his dying day.

America is a special place. It is different from the rest of the world. That doesn't mean America is perfect. It is just, by God's Grace, a place where people live in more freedom, with more prosperity and have all-around better lives than anywhere else in the world.

I lived over in Europe for a few years, back before the collapse of the USSR and Warsaw Pact. I witnessed the Solidarity demonstrations. And I longed to return to America, I was homesick. Given both my heritage and my own experiences, I came to appreciate America more than most do, I believe.

I came home to America, to the state of Massachusetts. I came home expecting my fellow Americans to love America and desire to help it for all they could. But what I saw instead was Liberals who hated America, held it in contempt and, in more than a few cases, preferred the Soviet Union to America. I am not saying all Liberals hate America, but a goodly percentage of them in Northeast undeniably do.

In reading Whittaker Chambers' book "Witness" about Communists in America in the 1920s and 30s, Chambers noted how the American Left went ga-ga when given the "honor" of meeting a Soviet Russian. I noted that and it hadn't changed by the 1980s. Oh they'd hate to meet a Texan or a Utahan, and more than likely would have treated someone from there with contempt. But a Soviet? Most Massachusetts Liberals would have fawned over one. And today they fawn over the Socialists of France and Germany. Nothing new under the Sun.

Our America, our Hesperia, was built by us as a refuge from the insanity that prevailed in Europe. This was a new place for freedom from whatever new slavery the Europeans managed to shackle themselves in.

Why then are our Liberal compatriots so eager to return to Europe's old ways? the 20th century was an education- it taught us one thing well- Socialism doesn't work. Europe and Asia are chock full of shallow mass graves of the victims of Socialism. From the crosses near the old Berlin Wall to the killing fields surrounding Phnom Penh, the blood of over a hundred million, perhaps two hundred million, innocents cries out that Socialism kills. It enslaves men, and does not make them free. It's one draw, equality, does not come about with Socialism either. The Party Elites became "more equal" than the people they "liberated."

And that is what the current culture war boils down to. Are we Americans, modern Hesperians, free in our New World, from the shackles of the Old? Or are we just going to bring the Old World, Old Europe here and make this just a carbon copy of it? I know most Liberals are loyal Americans who would drop Liberalism like a hot rock if they saw its true Socialistic nature. Of course there are many who would not. The Ward Churchills of the world are proud of their hateful sedition and revel in it. It is they who benefit from the efforts of the Liberal Activists and the Democratic Party.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. This is why we need to marshal ourselves and defeat the Left!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Fight for Roberts!

Last night the president announced his choice of John G. Roberts jr as his nominee for the Supreme Court. This is a welcome choice.

At first glance, it does seem that Bush has outmaneuvered the Democrats once again. He has appointed a solid Conservative that the minority cannot oppose and win. This is the ideal situation.

My experiences in Montgomery taught me that the judiciary is corrupted and in need of serious reform and change. I had thought that the disgrace that is Roe V Wade and Engel v Vitale (which banned school prayer) were mere wrong turns by the judiciary, that could be fixed by some right thinking common sense.

However, the laws that Liberals passed otlawing free speech of anti-abortion groups and broadening the silencing of free speech and freedom of religion on public ground has educated me to the truth.

The Left's socialist agenda cannot win at the ballot box. McGovernite candidates tend to lose in 40+ state blowouts. The Democrats can only win nationally by running a Southern Centrist. It's the only way they've won the White House in the last 41 years, and even that, in only four elections. A Conservative can run as a Conservative and win. A Liberal running as a Liberal will embarrass himself. What to do? Stack the judiciary with Left Wing judicial activists.

It's quite clever, really. During the traitor Michael Newdow's frivolous lawsuit against the pledge of allegiance, 99 of our Senators came out in front of Capitol Hill and said the Pledge. All of the Democrats but one. I am sure Zell Miller was sincere, but I am equally sure that many Democrats, while saying the pledge, were secretly cheering the 9th Circuit Court's Unconstitutional and illegal ruling.

Can't win at the ballot box? Have judges say your way is in the Constitution! Never mind if the Constitution doesn't say anything of the kind.

In the 1920s, the Communists realized that standing on a soapbox preaching Marx would get them absolutely nowhere and win no one. Their new idea was to say that Communism was the true fulfillment of the US Constitution. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, no doubt. That is how we got Separation of Church and State, and other Soviet ideals imposed on us, also abortion. In the first half of the 20th century the only people pushing for abortion "rights" were Communists or Nazis. Real Americans were appalled by such things.

FDR began the process by packing the courts with hard-core Leftists when he had a lock on the government. Separation of Church and State was not recognized by any court until FDR appointee Hugo Black snuck it into Everman v Board of Education, a case that the SCOTUS had no right to even adjudicate. They have twisted our Constitution around to mean that we must shut up in the name of the First Amendment and murdering babies is a right. To be fair, many of Eisenhower and Nixon's, and yes, even Reagan's appointees were a part of this Liberal Judicial Activist Culture. Sandra Day O'Connor knew the right thing but felt "she could not impose her morality." Well then, if someone breaks into her house to kill her, would I be wrong to impose my morality on her would-be murderers and dial 9-1-1? By her logic it would be. Good bye and good riddance to you Sandra! When we needed you to stand for the right thing, you turned into a rubber chicken.

John Roberts is a man who resists this subverting of the Constitution. He is a blessing, and he will help reverse some of these terrible rulings. We must fight for him, and not allow Feminist groups and the ACLU, anti-American groups, to dictate who we will appoint. We won the election. They lost. It is time to restore the Constitution. Write your Senator and tell him to back Roberts.